
目前显示的是 2018的博文


壁花少年——We-are-infinite 《壁花少年》 又名少年自读日记,我最喜欢的电影之一。 Dear Friend,i am writing to you because she said you listen and understand and didn't try to sleep with that person at that party even though you could have.Please don't try to figure out who i am,i don't want you to do that.I just need know that people like you exist. 这部电影是我读大学一年级时候我的朋友推荐给我的。电影里的 配乐 将我带到一个新的音乐世界。这些音乐陪伴我走过了迷茫的青春。如今好友各奔东西,人生看似分道扬镳,然而 我们曾经在此地的年月不会轻易抹去,我们是谁?那寒冷天穹上燃烧的碎冰。 查理很幸运遇见了Sam和Patrick,我很幸运遇到那么多有趣优秀的朋友。时常还能有牵挂的人。 大二那年暑假,我和查理一样,宅在家里,和我说话的人只和妈妈、弟弟。百无聊赖中,看完了壁花少年的 原版英文书 (密码: adaf),也是我看完的第一本英文书。 关于这部电影的回忆,只剩几个闪回的画面: 电影结束在隧道,通向了新的生活。 I don't know if I will have the time to write any more letters 我以后可能没时间再写信给你 because I might be too busy trying to participate 因为我要积极参与人生 So , if this does end up being the last letter 或许这是我最后一封信 I just want you to know that 我想告诉你 I was in a bad place before I started high school 高中以前我的人生真的很惨 And you helped me 是你帮助了我 Even if you didn't know what I ...